
Tauscher Transformatoren

Tauscher Transformatorenfabrik GmbH successfully develops, produces and sells inductive components world wide since the year 1975. Our knowledge is constantly growing and by now our product range includes powers starting from 0,1 VA up to 500 kVA.
We furthermore offer you the development of inductive components or transformers according to customer wish. 3D files in all conventional formats are available due to our own construction department.

Read more about us - the company

News about our company and products









News 2016supply transformer
Maintenance-free supply transformer 20 kV

Oil free 20 kV transformer for unbalanced loads and RONT preparation





News 2016world voltage supply
3-phase world voltage supply 40 kVA

All voltages for all countries with fuses and mobile due to chassis.

























New company profile
March 2015

Your are looking for information about our company? Our new company profile is now reachable online as well. It will give you a rough overview of the company Tauscher and our products.

download company profile




News 2014oberwelle
Harmonics are expensive

We tell you how to save 250 Euros a year in this interesting article about harmonics and the connected costs.

























News 29.08.2013Zertifikat ICOn
Special praise at the ISO certification

“Very detailed described processes in the QM documentation. Technical data and training events for the area development/construction on a very high level. Very motivated and well trained employees.”





News 05.08.2013CO2 Ausstoß
Energy-efficient transformers with amorphous core

Loss reduced constructions as a step towards a decreased energy consumption. By using amorphous core material the iron losses can be reduced significantly.











We shape the current and generate the voltage.

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